Imi aduc aminte ochiul tau albastru cum gemea

Am sa-ti caut umbra in balansoar .
...Pentru că e aiurea dacă ne mai panicăm...
1. How are you feeling today? Coldplay – Violet Hill ~ so if you loooove me won’t you let me know ?
2. Will you get far in life? Lady Sovereign - Fiddle With the Volume ~ whoaa very far indeed :]
3. How do your friends see you? Roisin Murphy – Movie Star ~ mhmm :">
4. Will you get married? Stephen Marley – In Love With You ~ hihi sounds good.
5. What is your best friend’s theme? Vita de Vie - Ganduri ~ aaaw asta e pentru pity, clar <3
6. What is the story of your life? El Negro – Antipanica ~ stare de chilleala maximaaa
7. What was high school like? Vama Veche – 18 ani ~ iubesc si nu am baaaani
8. How can you get ahead in life? Oliver – Bordel ~ c'moooon :))
9. What is the best thing about your friends? Sohodolls – I’m Not Cool ~ still they're the best :">
10. What is in store for this weekend? Tom Jones – Sexbomb ~ like ay ay ay
11. What song describes you? Pendulum & The Freestylers - Painkiller (Noisia Remix) ~ Luca: eu ti-am zis ca esti alcoolica
12. To describe your grandparents? Lady Gaga – Christmas Tree ~ clar
13. How is your life going? Jay-z – 99 problems ~ ..but a bitch ain’t one
14. What song will they play at your funeral? Borgore – Ice Cream ~ maxim s-ar potrivi
15. How does the world see you? The Prodigy – Spitfire ~ hihi B-)
16. Will you have a happy life? Emil – Robby ~ ea viseaza o lume/greu de atins/un paradiiiis
17. How do friends really think of you? Placebo – Protège Moi ~ awww <3
18. Do people secretly lust after you? Lil Wayne – A Milli ~ oooh $$$
19. How can I make myself happy? All American Rejects – Move Along ~ tananana
20. What should you do with your life? Collie buddz - burn down the system ~ lovely :D