« Dragostea seamănă atât de bine cu lipsa ei încât uneori se confundă »
Trist, nu e asa ? Momentele fericite sunt apreciate dupa terminarea lor, iar dragostea devine doar o amintire in mijlocul nimicului, in mijlocul iernii ..
Si asa te trezesti imbracat in rochie vaporoasa iar in secunda urmatoare incepe sa viscoleasca ; si te intrebi cum de a trecut vara pe langa tine, fara macar ca tu sa te bucuri de putina caldura ..
Si nu numai dragostea e in situatia asta. Se pare ca tratam si fericirea cam in acelasi fel .. Ne ingropam in fericire si uitam complet ca scopul nu este sa ne controlam actiunile, sa ne fie frica de pasi gresiti, de posibile esecuri. Surprinzator, lucrurile pe care le dorim sfarsesc prin a ne domina, iar noi ? ..noi devenim doar posesiile ei, ale fericirii . Iar in loc de a ne bucura de a fi in prezenta ei ne luptam cu ea ca si cu cel mai mare dusman, incercam sa o invingem, cu fiecare secunda indepartand-o si mai mult ..
*Mhmm se pare ca te-ai cam aliat cu fericirea in ultima vreme, lasandu-ma sa ..pierd ?
15 years and 5 monthsssss

To a happier place,
To a happier day
That exists in her mind
And in your smile,
She could escape there
Just for a while
Little fifteen.
You're mine, even if you don't know it yet .
Spring Flavour ♥

Press forward for each question.
Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesnt make sense.
NO CHEATING! give your own comments on how it relates to the questions.
1. How are you feeling today? Coldplay – Violet Hill ~ so if you loooove me won’t you let me know ?
2. Will you get far in life? Lady Sovereign - Fiddle With the Volume ~ whoaa very far indeed :]
3. How do your friends see you? Roisin Murphy – Movie Star ~ mhmm :">
4. Will you get married? Stephen Marley – In Love With You ~ hihi sounds good.
5. What is your best friend’s theme? Vita de Vie - Ganduri ~ aaaw asta e pentru pity, clar <3
6. What is the story of your life? El Negro – Antipanica ~ stare de chilleala maximaaa
7. What was high school like? Vama Veche – 18 ani ~ iubesc si nu am baaaani
8. How can you get ahead in life? Oliver – Bordel ~ c'moooon :))
9. What is the best thing about your friends? Sohodolls – I’m Not Cool ~ still they're the best :">
10. What is in store for this weekend? Tom Jones – Sexbomb ~ like ay ay ay
11. What song describes you? Pendulum & The Freestylers - Painkiller (Noisia Remix) ~ Luca: eu ti-am zis ca esti alcoolica
12. To describe your grandparents? Lady Gaga – Christmas Tree ~ clar
13. How is your life going? Jay-z – 99 problems ~ ..but a bitch ain’t one
14. What song will they play at your funeral? Borgore – Ice Cream ~ maxim s-ar potrivi
15. How does the world see you? The Prodigy – Spitfire ~ hihi B-)
16. Will you have a happy life? Emil – Robby ~ ea viseaza o lume/greu de atins/un paradiiiis
17. How do friends really think of you? Placebo – Protège Moi ~ awww <3
18. Do people secretly lust after you? Lil Wayne – A Milli ~ oooh $$$
19. How can I make myself happy? All American Rejects – Move Along ~ tananana
20. What should you do with your life? Collie buddz - burn down the system ~ lovely :D
Hey, I saw your guy with a different girl/Dry your eyes, sunday girl.

Anaaa: Si acum ce faci , dai replay toturor fazelor cu el ?
Enough. Nu vreau sa incep din nou ce am lasat in vara si in niciun caz s-o iau de la capat. Am crezut doar ca de data asta o sa fie altfel, ca ai inteles ca dintre toate melodiile, asta a fost cea mai lunga si poate cea mai importanta pentru mine . Esti singurul care m-a facut sa ma bucur pentru o privire, un zambet.. singurul pentru care treceam zilnic prin acelasi loc, sperand sa te vad . Dar tu nu ai inteles si nici nu o sa intelegi vreodata . Ma bucur ca nici nu te-ai obosit :)
..stuck on replay no more.